1991.09 – 1994.07 北京师范大学心理系, 博士
1986.09 – 1987.07 北京师范大学心理系,助教进修班
1978.09 – 1982.07 山东大学(原山东工业大学,济南)第二机械工程系锻压工艺与设备,工学士
2015.10 – 至今 中国人民大学劳动人事学院,教授领导科学研究中心执行主任
2009.6-2015.10 中国人民大学心理学系,创系系主任,理学院副院长
2008.8-2009.6 中国人民大学劳动人事学院教授,副院长
2007.9-2008.8 美国佛罗里达大学商学院富布莱特高级访问学者
1991.8-2007.9 中国人民大学劳动人事学院,副教授,教授,人力资源管理系主任,副院长
1987.7-1991.9 山东工业大学社会科学系,讲师,心理咨询中心主任
1982.7-1987.7 山东工业大学第二机械工程系,辅导员,团总支副书记
1. 张晔骏* ,孙健敏, Shaffer, M. & Lin,C-H (2022). High commitment work systems and employee well-being: The roles of workplace friendship and task interdependence. Human Resource Management. DOI: 10.1002/hrm.22093 (通讯作者) (online)
2. 邢璐*, 孙健敏,Jepsen, D., & 张晔骏. (2021). Supervisor Negative Feedback and Employee Motivation to Learn: An Attribution Perspective. Human Relations, (online).DOI: 10.1177/00187267211038514. (通 作者)
3. 邢璐*, 孙健敏 & Jepsen, D. (2021). Feeling shame in the workplace: Examining negative feedback as an antecedent and performance and well-being as consequences. Journal of Organizational Behavior (Online). DOI:10.1002/jb.2553. (通讯作者)
4. Huang, L-C., Liu, Y., Cheung, G. W., & 孙健敏 (2021). A Multilevel Study of Group Affective Tone and Team Innovation: A Moderated Mediation Model. Group &Organization Management, (Online). DOI: 10.1177/10596011211029411
5. 李培凯*, 孙健敏, & Taris, T. W. (2021): Differentiating between gift giving and bribing in China: a guanxi perspective, Ethics & Behavior (Online), DOI:10.1080/10508422.2021.1896363
6. Sanders, K., Kraimer, M. L., Greco, L., Morgeson, F.P., Budhwar, P. S., 孙健敏, Shipton, H. & Sang, X. (2020). Why academics attend conferences? An extended career self-management framework, Human Resource Management Review. (Online)
7. 李培凯*, 孙健敏, Taris, T. W., & Xing, L.(2020). Country Differences in the Relationship Between Leadership and Employee Engagement: A Meta-Analysis. The Leadership Quarterly (通讯作者). (Online).
8. Biron, M., De Cieri, H., Fulmer, I., Lin, C-H, Mayrhofer, W., Nyfoudi, M., Sanders, K., Shipton,H. & 孙健敏 . (2020). Structuring for innovative responses to human resource challenges: A skunk works approach. Human Resource Management Review, 32(2),1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrmr.2020.100768
9. Wilkinson, A., 孙健敏 , Mowbray, P. K.(2020). Employee voice in the Asia Pacific. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. 58(4), 471-484.
10. 张晔骏*, 孙健敏, Lin, C-H., & Ren, H. (2020). Linking Core Self-Evaluation to Creativity: the Roles of Knowledge Sharing and Work Meaningfulness. Journal of Business and Psychology.35:257-270. doi.org/10.1007/s10869-018-9609-y. (通讯作者)
11. Han, J.,孙健敏, & 王宏蕾*, (2020). The negative effect of high performance work systems: Why and when. Human Resource Management Review. (通讯作者)(Online).
12. Jack, R., Huang, Y., 孙健敏 , & Guo, F. (2019). Internationalisation of Chinese banks and financial institutions and its implications for IHRM. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(14), 2121-2136. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2019.1598037
13. Yang, M. X., Li, J., Yu, I. Y., Zeng, K. J., 孙健敏 (2019). Environmentally sustainable or economically sustainable? The effect of Chinese manufacturing firms’ corporate sustainable
strategy on their green performances. Business Strategy and the Environment. 1-9. DOI:10.1002/bse.2296. (通讯作者)
14. Wang, J. & 孙健敏 . (2018). Talent development in China: Current practices and challenges ahead. Advances in Developing Human Resources. 20(4), 389-409. doi.org/10.1177/1523422318802591
15. Lin, C-H., Sanders, K., 孙健敏 , Shipton, H. & Choi, E. (2018). HRM and Innovation: The Mediating Role of Market-Sensing Capability and the Moderating Role of National Power
Distance. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 1-26 DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2018.1474938
16. Lin*, C-H. & 孙健敏. (2018). Chinese employee’s leadership preferences and the relationship with power distance orientation and core self-evaluation. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 12(1), 1-22. doi.org/10.1186/s11782-018-0027-9. Correspondence author.
17. 毛畅果*, C., Chang, C.-H., Johnson, R. E., & 孙健敏 (2019). Incivility and Employee Performance, Citizenship, and Counterproductive Behaviors: Implications of the Social
Context. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 24(2), 213-227. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/ocp0000108
18. Li, Y., Tse, C-H., & 孙健敏 . (2018). Other-race categorisation advantage in a binary- vs.ternary-response race categorization task. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 30(2), 242-256, DOI:10.1080/20445911.2017.1414822
19. 孙健敏, Hu, P., & Ng, S. H. (2017). Impact of English on education reforms in China. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 38(3), 192-205. doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2015.1134551
20. 陆欣欣*, & 孙健敏. (2017). Multiple pathways linking leader-member exchange to work effort. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 32(4), 270-283. doi.org/10.1108/JMP-01-2016-0011
21. 李艳*, & Fu, F., 孙健敏,& Yang, B. (2016). Leader–member exchange differentiation and team creativity: An investigation of nonlinearity. Human Relations.69(5),1121-1138
22. Lin*, C-H, Sanders, K., 孙健敏 , Shipton, H., Mooi, E. (2016). From customer-oriented strategy to organizational financial performance: The role of human resource management and
customer-linking capability. British Journal of Management. 27(1), 21-37. doi:10.1111/1467- 8551.12142
23. Eskin, M., 孙健敏, Abuidhail, J. Yoshimasu, K. Kujan,J., et al (2016) : Suicidal Behavior and Psychological Distress in University Students: A 12-nation Study, Archives of Suicide Research, DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2015.1054055
24. 李 艳 *, & 孙健敏 (2015). Traditional Chinese leadership and employee voice behavior: A cross-level examination. Leadership Quarterly. 26(2),172-189.doi.org/10.1016/j.leaqua.2014.08.001
25. 刘晓禹*, Hartel, C., &孙健敏. (2014). The Workgroup emotional climate scale: Theoretical development, empirical validation and relationship with workgroup effectiveness. Group &
Organization Management.39(6), 626-663. doi:10.1177/1059601114554453
26. 姜燕 *, Law, K. S., &孙健敏 . (2014). Leader–Member relationship and burnout: The moderating role of leader integrity. Management and Organization Review, 10(2), 223–247.
27. Jepsen, D. M., 孙健敏, Budhwar, P. S., Klehe, U-C., Krausert, A., et al (2014). International academic careers: Personal reflections. International Journal of Human Resource
Management, 25(10), 1309-1326. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2013.870307
28. Cheng, B. S., Boer, D., Chou, L-F, Huang, H-M., 孙健敏, Lin, T-T., Chou, W-J., Tsai, C-Y. (2014). Paternalistic leadership in four East Asian societies: Generalizability and cultural
differences of the triad model. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(1), 82-90. Doi:10.1177/0022022113490070
29. Aycan, Z., Schyns, B., 孙健敏 , Felfe, J., Saher, N. (2013). Convergence and divergence of paternalistic leadership: A cross-cultural investigation of Prototypes. Journal of International
Business Studies, 44, 962–969.https://www-jstor-org.ezproxy.auckland.ac.nz/stable/43653706
30. 周文霞*, 孙健敏, Guan, Y. (2013). Criteria of career success among Chinese employees.Journal of Career Assessment, 21(2), 265-277.doi-org.ezproxy.auckland.ac.nz/10.1177/1069072712471302
31. 苗仁涛*, 孙健敏, Hou, X., Li, T. (2012). Job satisfaction: Linking perceived organizational support, organizational justice with work outcomes in China. Frontiers of Business Research
in China, 6(2), 169-200.
32. Xing, C., & 孙健敏. (2012): The role of psychological resilience and positive affect in risky decision-making, International Journal of Psychology, 6, 1-9.
33. Hu, J., 王震*, Liden, B. C., 孙健敏. (2012). The influence of leader core self-evaluation on
follower reports of transformational leadership. Leadership Quarterly, 23, 860-868. DOI:10.1016/j.leaqua.2012.05.004
34. Rode, J. C., Judge, T. A., 孙健敏. (2012). Incremental validity of core self-evaluations in the presence of other self-concept traits: An investigation of applied psychology criteria in the
United States and China. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 19(3), 326-340. DOI: 10.1177/1548051812442964
35. Zhao, H., Wu, J., 孙健敏 , Chen, W. (2012). Organizational citizenship behavior in Chinese society: A reexamination. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(19),4145-4165.
36. Bohns, V. K., Handgraaf, M. J. J., 孙健敏 , Aaldering, H., Mao, C., & Logg, J. (2011). Are social prediction errors universal? Predicting compliance with a direct request across cultures.Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47(3), 676-680.
37. Sardy, M., Munoz, J. M., 孙健敏, Alon, I. (2009). Emerging dimensions of business ethics in China. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, 6(2), 305-327. (BestEmpirical paper of American Society for Competitiveness Conference, 2008)
38. Li, J., Lam, K., 孙健敏, Liu, S. X.Y. (2008). Strategic humanresource management, institutionalization, and employment modes: An empirical study in China. Strategic Management Journal, 29(2), 337-342. DOI: I0.1002/smj.655
1. 李原,于坤,孙健敏(译),管理研究方法(第 13 版),中国人民大学出版社,2021
2. 孙健敏,朱曦济,李原(译),组织行为学(第 18 版),中国人民大学出版社,2021
3. 孙健敏,张德(主编)组织行为学(马工程重点教材),高等教育出版社,2019
4. 孙健敏,徐世勇,组织行为学,中国人民大学出版社,2019.
5. 孙健敏,穆桂斌,管理心理学,中国人民大学出版社,2017
6. 孙健敏,穆桂斌(译),心理学与人力资源管理(第 7 版),中国人民大学出版社,2017
7. 孙健敏,人力资源管理,中国人民大学出版社,2015
8. 孙健敏,幸福社会,中国人民大学出版社,2014
9. 孙健敏,个人,群体与组织,经济科学出版社,2012
10. 孙健敏,领导,沟通与谈判,经济科学出版社,2012
11. 孙健敏,人力资源管理,科学出版社,2009
12. 孙健敏,人力资源测评理论与技术(第二版),首都经济贸易大学出版社,2014