北京大学博雅特聘教授,北大环境与能源经济研究中心主任。徐晋涛教授先后获得佛吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)经济学硕士(1996)和林学博士(自然资源经济学,1999)学位。此后先后任北京大学中国经济研究中心客座研究员,中国农业科学研究院农业政策研究中心副主任,副研究员,中国科学院农业政策研究中心副主任、研究员,北京大学环境科学与工程学院环境管理系教授、系主任。 徐晋涛教授的主要研究领域为工业企业污染治理政策;农村土地利用变化与温室气体减排;林业经济学;城市交通管理政策;农户家庭行为调查与研究。现任American Journal of Agricultural Economics副主编、Journal of Environmental Economics and Management编委会成员。主持国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目、国家林业局重大调研任务、世界银行资助项目多项。
1999年 佛吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)林学博士(自然资源经济学)
1996年 佛吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)经济学硕士
1988年 北京林业大学农学硕士(林业经济)
1986年 北京林业大学林业经济研究生班毕业
1984年 吉林工业大学工学学士(管理工程)
2011年9月-2012年8月,未来资源研究所Gilbert White Fellow
2005年10-12月 世界银行“广西人工造林项目”制度分析专家
2003年8月-2004年5月 亚洲开发银行技援项目(ADB PPTA 3998-PRC) “三江平原湿地保护项目”中方专家组代组长暨经济学家
2001年8月-2002年4月 亚洲开发银行技援项目(ADB TA 3548-PRC) “中国水土保持战略”,经济学家。
2000年 世界银行技援项目“中国的土地退化问题”,分课题(森林退化)负责人。
中国林业经济学会论文一等奖(徐晋涛,姜雪梅,季永杰, 2006,“重点国有林区改革与发展趋势的实证分析”,《林业经济》, 2006( 1)(总第 162期): 10-15),2008年12月。
1. Yang, Xiaojun, Ping Qin and Jintao Xu, 2016, “Positional concern, gender, and household expenditures: A case study in Yunnan province”, China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 8 (4), pp 572-594.
2. Xie, Lunyu, Peter Berck and Jintao Xu, 2016, “The Effect of the Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China on Forestation”, China Economic Review, Vol. 38 (April), pp 116-129.
3. Chen, Shuai, Xiaoguang Chen and Jintao Xu, 2016, “Assessing the impacts of temperature variations on rice yield in China”, Climatic Change, Vol. 138(1-2), pp 191-205.
4. Chen, Shuai, Xiaoguang Chen and Jintao Xu, 2016, “The Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture: Evidence from China”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 76 (March), pp 105-124.
5. Siikamaki, Juha, Yonjie Ji and Jintao Xu, 2015, "Post-reform Forestland Markets in China," Land Economics, Vol. 91(2), pp 211-234.
6. Lin, Justin Y. and Jintao Xu, 2014, “The Potential for Green Growth and Structural Transformation in China”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 30, Number 3: pp. 550–568.
7. Wang, Lanlan, Jintao Xu and Ping Qin, 2014, "Will a Driving Restriction Policy Reduce Car Trips? -The Case Study of Beijing, China" Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol 67: pp 279-290.
8. Xu, Jintao, 2014, “Contribution of development and environmental economics to national policy and development: the case of China,” Environmental and Development Economics, Vol. 19 (3), pp 297-299.
9. Xu, Jintao and Peter Berck, 2014, “China's environmental policy: an introduction”, Environmental and Development Economics, Vol. 19 (1): pp 1-7.
10. Jiang, Xuemei, Peichen Gong, Goran Bostedt and Jintao Xu, 2014, “Impacts of Policy Measures on the Development of State-Owned Forests in Northeast China: Theoretical Results and Empirical Evidence”, Environment and Development Economics, Vol 19 (1): pp 74-91.
11. Yang, Xiaojun and Jintao Xu, 2014, “Program sustainability and the determinants of farmers’ self-predicted post-program land use decisions: evidence from the Sloping Land Conversion Program (SLCP) in China”, Environment and Development Economics, Vol 19(1): pp 30-47.
12. Yi, Yuanyuan, Gunnar K?hlin and Jintao Xu,2014, “Property rights, tenure security and forest investment incentives: evidence from China's Collective Forest Tenure Reform”, Environment and Development Economics, Vol 19(1): pp 48-73.
13. Ostwald, Madelene, Mattin Persson, Jesper Moberg and Jintao Xu: 2013, “The Chinese Grain for Green Programme: assessing the carbon sequestered via land reform”, Journal of Environmental Management, (Online: 25-MAY-2013), pp. 142-146.
14. Qin, Ping and Jintao Xu, 2013, “Forestland Rights and Farmers’ Investment Incentives in China-An Empirical Study of Fujian Province”, China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 5, No. 1: pp 154-170.
15. Wang, Xuehong, Jeff Bennett, Jintao Xu and Haipeng Zhang, 2012, “An auction scheme for land use change in Sichuan Province, China”, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 55(10): pp.1269-1288.
16. He, Hui and Jintao Xu, 2011, “Projection of Timber Supply and Demand Trends in China based on an Econometric Model”, Forest Product Journal, 61(7): pp 543-551.
17. Bennett, Michael T., Aashish Mehta and Jintao Xu, 2011, “Incomplete property rights, exposure to markets and the provision of environmental services in China”, China Economic Review vol. 22, issue 4, pp 485-498.
18. Qin, Ping, Fredrik Carlsson and Jintao Xu, 2011, “Forestland Reform in China: What do the Farmers Want? A Choice Experiment on Farmers’ Property Rights Preferences”, Land Economics, Vol. 87 (3): 473-487. .
19. Li, Jie, and Jintao Xu, 2011, “Climate Change in China: Policy Evolution, Actions Taken and Options Ahead”, Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, 1939-0467, Volume 3, Issue 1: 23 – 35
20. Gauvin, Crystal, Emi Uchida, Scott Rozelle, Jintao Xu and Jinyan Zhan, 2010, “Cost-effectiveness of Payments for Ecosystem Services with Dual Goals of Environment and Poverty Alleviation”, Environmental Management, Vol. 45: 488-501
21. Yin, Runsheng, Qing Xiang, Jintao Xu and Xiangzheng Deng, 2010, “Modeling the Driving Forces of the Land Use and Land Cover Changes along the Upper Yangtze River of China”, Environmental Management, Vol. 45: 454-465
22. Xu, Jintao, Ran Tao, Zhigang Xu and Michael T. Bennett, 2010, “China’s Sloping Land Conversion Program: Does Expansion Equal Success?” Land Economics, Vol. 86 (2) (May): 219-244..
23. Xu, Jintao, W.F. Hyde and Yongjie Ji, 2010, “Effective Pollution Control Policy for China,” Journal of Productivity Analysis, Vol. 33 (1) (February): 47-66.
24. Uchida, Emi, Scott Rozelle and Jintao Xu, 2009, “Conservation Payments, Liquidity Constraints and Off-Farm Labor: Impact of the Grain for Green Program on Rural Households in China”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 91, Issue 1 (February): 70-86.
25. Uchida, Emi, Jintao Xu, Zhigang Xu and Scott Rozelle,2007, ”Are the poor benefiting from China's land conservation program?” Environment and Development Economics, Vol. 12, Issue 04(August): pp 593-620.
26. Xu, Jintao, Runsheng Yin, Zhou Li and Can Liu, 2006, “China’s ecological rehabilitation: unprecedented efforts, dramatic impacts, and requisite policies”. Ecological Economics, 57:595-607.
27. Xu, Zhigang, Jintao Xu, Xiangzheng Deng, Jikun Huang, Emi Uchida and Scott Rozelle, 2006, “Grain for Green and Grain: the Impact of China’s Conservation Reserve Program on Grain Prices and Food Security”, World Development, Vol.34, No. 1, pp.130-148
28. Uchida, Emi, Jintao Xu, and Scott Rozelle, 2005, “Grain for Green: Cost-effectiveness and Sustainability of China's Conservation Set-aside Program”, Land Economics,Vol. 81 (2) (May): 247-264.
29. Xu, Jintao, and Andy White, 2004, “Editorial: Understanding the Chinese Forest Market and its Global Implications”, International Forestry Review, Vol. 6, Issue 3-4.
30. Nilsson, S, G. Bull, A. White and Jintao Xu, 2004, “China’s Forest Sector markets: Policy Issues and Recommendations”, International Forestry Review, Vol. 6, Issue 3-4: 299-306
31. Xu, Zhigang, Michael Bennett, Ran Tao and Jintao Xu, 2004, “China’s Sloping Land Conversion Program Four Years on: Current Situation, Pending Issues”, International Forestry Review,Vol. 6, Issue 3-4: 317-327
32. Xu, Jintao, Ran Tao and Gregory S. Amacher, 2004, “An Empirical Analysis of China’s State-Owned Forests”, Forest Policy and Economics, 6: 379-390
33. Yin, Runsheng and Jintao Xu, 2003, “Identifying the Inter-Market Relationships of Forest Products in the Pacific Northwest with Cointegration and Causality Tests”, Forest Policy and Economics, 5: 305-315
34. Xu, Jintao, William F. Hyde, and Gregory S. Amacher. 2003. "China's Paper Industry: Growth and Environmental Policy during Economic Reform", Journal of Economic Development 28(1):49-78.
35. Yin, Runsheng, Jintao Xu and Zhou Li, 2003, Building Institutions for Markets: Experiences and Lessons from China’s Rural Forest Sector, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 00, 1-19.
36. Yin, Runsheng and Jintao Xu, 2002, “Welfare Assessment of China’s Rural Forestry Reform in the 1980s,” World Development, Vol 30. No. 10. pp. 1755-1767
1.Xu, Jintao and William F. Hyde, 2005, “From Central Planned Economy to Vigorous Rural Enterprise: China”, in Garforth and Mayers (eds), Plantations, Privatization, Poverty and Power: Changing Ownership and Management of State Forests, Earthscan: London.
2.Xu, Jintao, Nuyun Li and Yiying Cao, 2004, “Impact of Incentives on the Development of Forest Plantation Resources in China”, in Enters and Durst (eds), “What Doest It Takes? The Role of Incentives in Forest Plantation Development in Asia and the Pacific”, RAP Publication 2004/27, Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission/FAO: Bangkok.
3.Gong, Yazhen and Jintao Xu, 2004, “Chapter 7: Farmland Conversion in Dafang County, Guizhou”, in Katsigris, Xu and Schmitt, (eds.) 2004, “Implementing the Natural Forest Protection Program and the Sloping Land Conversion Program: Case Studies ” , China Forestry Publishing House: Beijing
4.William F. Hyde, Jintao Xu and Brian Belcher, 2003, “Chapter 1: Introduction”, in Hyde, Belcher and Xu (eds), “China's Forest: Global Lessons from Market Reforms ”, Resources for the Future Press, Washington DC
5.William F. Hyde, Jintao Xu, Brian Belcher, Runsheng Yin and Jinlong Liu, 2003, “Chapter 10: Conclusions and Policy Implications”, in Hyde, Belcher and Xu (eds), “China's Forest: Global Lessons from Market Reforms”, Resources for the Future Press, Washington DC
6.Xu, Jintao and Yiying Cao, 2002, “Chapter 4: the Socioeconomics Impacts and Sustainability of the SLCAP, in Xu, Katsigris and White (eds)”, “Implementing the Natural Forest Protection Program and the Sloping Land Conversion Program: Lessons and Policy Recommendations ” , China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing
7.Xu, Jintao and Thomas A. White, 2002, “ Part III: Conclusions and Recommendations”, in Xu, Katsigris and White (eds), “ Implementing the Natural Forest Protection Program and the Sloping Land Conversion Program: Lessons and Policy Recommendations ” , China Forestry Publishing House, Beijing
8.Krutilla, K, Jintao Xu, D. F. Barnes, and W. F. Hyde, 2000, “Estimates of Economic Study from Physical Measures fo the Forest Stock: An Example from Eight Developing Countries,” in Hyde and Amacher (eds.), “Economics of Forestry and Rural Development: An Empirical Introduction from Asia”, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
9.龚亚珍,徐晋涛,2004 ,“贵州省大方县退耕还林工程实施情况案例分析”,载于徐晋涛,秦萍(主编)《退耕还林和天然林资源保护工程的社会经济影响案例研究》,中国环境与发展国际合作委员会林草问题课题组出版物。中国林业出版社,北京。
10.徐晋涛,曹轶瑛,2004 ,“西部退耕还林(草)工程的效率与可持续性”,载于徐晋涛,吉妮•卡其格里斯,安蒂•怀特(主编),2004 ,《退耕还林和天然林资源保护工程的社会经济影响》,中国环境与发展国际合作委员会林草问题课题组出版物。中国林业出版社,北京。
1.Eugenia Katsigris, Xu Jintao and Ulrich Schmitt, (eds.) 2004, “Implementing the Natural Forest Protection Program and the Sloping Land Conversion Program: Case Studies”, China Forestry Publishing House: Beijing
2.William F. Hyde, Brian Belcher and Jintao Xu, (eds.) 2003, “ China’s Forests: Global Lessons from Market Reforms ,” Resources for the Future Press: Washington. DC
3.Xu Jintao, Eugenia Katsigris, Thomas A. White, (eds.) 2002, “Implementing the Natural Forest Protection Program and the Sloping Land Conversion Program: Lessons and Policy Recommendations”, China Forestry Publishing House: Beijing
4.Lu Wenming, Natasha Landell-Mills, Liu Jinlong, Xu Jintao, Liu Can, 2002, “Getting the private sector to work for the public good: instruments for sustainable private sector forestry in China”, Earthprint Limited: Hertfordshire, UK.
5.陈建成,徐晋涛,田明华(主编), 2006 ,《中国林业技术经济理论与实践》(中国林业学术论坛第一辑),中国林业出版社,北京。
6.William F. Hyde, Brian Belcher ,徐晋涛 (主编), 2005 ,《中国的森林 — 有全球意义的市场改革经验》,中国林业出版社,北京。
7.徐晋涛,吉妮•卡其格里斯,安蒂•怀特(主编), 2004 ,《退耕还林和天然林资源保护工程的社会经济影响》,中国环境与发展国际合作委员会林草问题课题组出版物。中国林业出版社,北京。
8.徐晋涛,秦萍(主编), 2004 ,《退耕还林和天然林资源保护工程的社会经济影响案例研究》,中国环境与发展国际合作委员会林草问题课题组出版物。中国林业出版社,北京。
9.魏殿生(主编),徐晋涛,李怒云(副主编), 2003 ,《造林绿化与气候变化:碳汇问题研究》,中国林业出版社,北京。
10.徐晋涛, Ulrich Schmitt ( 主编 ) , 2002 ,《中国林业政策国际论坛 论文集》,中国林业出版社,北京。
11.徐晋涛, Ulrich Schmitt ( 主编 ) , 2002 ,《生态环境效益补偿政策与国际经验研讨会论文集》,中国林业出版社,北京。
12.陆文明, Natasha Landell-Mills ,刘金龙,徐晋涛,刘璨,戴广翠, 2002 ,《中国私有林政策研究》,中国环境科学出版社,北京。