读BiMBA提升幸福感- 全球MBA幸福感大调查

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  •          今年四月中旬,BiMBA(BiMBA) 参加了全球MBA幸福感大调查活动(BiMBA and the MBA Happiness Index),该调查共收集了全球知名商学院1100名学员(包括美国、法国、德国、印度、西班牙等)的有效反馈。


            本次调查BiMBA有50多名MBA学员提交了问卷,整体结果非常喜人。在BiMBA就读后同学们的幸福指数得到了很大提升,具体为数据为,同学们的平均幸福指数为7.98分(总分10分 ),进入BiMBA项目前平均幸福指数为5.73,完成学业后达到了8.65(提升了近3个点)。




    Does An MBA Make You Happy? The MBA Happiness Index 2013


    ( You might typically expect people investing up to two years of their time and money to gain an MBA to have a mix of optimism, ambition, and determination. But until now, no one has thought to ask the same group whether pursuing an MBA actually makes them happy.


    Media rankings tend to focus on the impact of an MBA on salary, return on investment, career progression, and that catch-all term, ‘satisfaction’. But are we missing something? After all, you are more likely to calculate the benefits of a two-week vacation on the basis of how it made you feel and the pleasure it brought you, rather than its ROI or impact on your career. So why overlook these aspects when assessing the benefits of an MBA?


    With this question in mind, asked current students from business schools in 11 countries around the world:


    - How happy were you 12 months before your MBA?

    - How happy are you now, during your MBA?






